Thursday, January 14, 2010


Waiting for my salary!!!

But I worry that it would destroy my good feeling..
Do not know how much do my boss will give me...
Do she increase my salary because I had worked at New World Park?
As what she said, there will be increase salary if work at there.
By that time she saying this, I had already sign my signature at the contact paper...
So how? What to do?
Would she increase?
I don't know,
really don't know.
Does she is a honest boss?
Would she walk the talk?

Post on 14th Jan


Akira 思胜 said...

Just calculate how many hours have you been working, and you will know the pay then... :P

WezLeY said...

my work counted per month one...

=Jesyca= said...

new world park?? which shoplot then?

WezLeY said...

shoepoint ^^