Friday, April 30, 2010

Grabbed my Scholarship

Finally I grab The Star Education Fund successfully!!!


Before that I still worried much about that.
Blamed myself that
why didn't tell them about my family financial status and
I am working part time job now
to show that I am really poor
and my parent cannot afford that.
But now,
seem it's useless
and no need to worry anymore!
I have grabbed it in my hand!

I would like to take this opportunity to thanks my friends
who has help me in applying this scholarship
help me think out the script.
  1. Kar Heim, who are my best friend and she help me a lot!
  2. Pei yong, who help me think about my script after our lunch time and choose a formal blouse for me..
  3. Jo Lynn, who help me think about the script with Pei Yong at Prangin.
  4. Si Sheng, who advice me and support me few questions might ask in interview.
  5. Jesyca, who advice and support me.
  6. Ryan, who support me the questions that might ask.
  7. Kevin, who help me on the preparations of interview.
  8. Madam Ooi, who is my BM tuition teacher guided me on the questions too.
Hmm, apologize if miss out your name.
Remind me ya!
Lastly, I am glad to have them as my friends!
Thanks You!

Post on 30th April


Akira 思胜 said...

Well done!!! Congratulation ya!!! :)

WezLeY said...


WezLeY said...

Thanks you for supporting me always^^

Kevin~VeXz said...

lolz??@@ i doknow o? i dint notice that?

WezLeY said...


Kevin~VeXz said...

sorry, i have to delete that message with numbers on it>.<