Tuesday, June 2, 2009


01-06-2009 Monday
YeaHooo, holiday~~~
Umm...what am i happy about? sob sob
Holiday just make my usual plan sot sot =X

I woke up early in da morning...
Umm..why do not i sleep late? Darn. Always woke up in da morning.
I won't wake up over 11am, this is my habit T_T
First respond was taking cellphone to watch it..

(do not know what to watch also, a habit too xD)
A message from my bubby. She asked for some money.
She was da one I mentioned before who lent me money.
Although I still nervous with my money, I still lent her.

At afternoon, after I have been finished watching Lady First ,
I went to keep my bedroom...umm should be said that I was going to keep my clothes.
And starting matching clothes to
perform a nicer look. Blek. ki hiao-ing.
Thus, I have chosen few tee that I wished to give my sister xD
Because...have quite a lot clothes stilll keeping at my mum bedroom which are new year clothes.
By da way, I was messaging with my friends.
I still message with them happily. However, Tyiing's message was shocked me.
She asked me that is it need da driver come to pick me.
What I am thinking is that,
What's wrong with her? Of course I need da driver come to pick me up.
Otherwise how do I go?

A message was passing through my mind.
Is that she thought that I am going to walk to her house?
I just did not understand about that.
If she really think like that, I will be disappointed to her honestly.

After that, I went to tuition. Account. Went to find my sifu to teach me.
Her daughter was there, too. A funny, cute and active girl.
No! She is hyperactive LOL
Learning chapter 5 and doing all exercises of chapter 5.

At night, I was still messaging with friends.
Discussing about Leo Forum.
I did not know what to wear during da Leo Forum, I mean Super Hero Night.
Yet, I still did not know how do I go... ...

Post on 02th of June

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