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一大清早,就被婆婆骂,就有预感今天将会是一个很倒霉的一天。果然,印证了!早上,婆婆问我塑料袋上‘Kapitan’是什么意思。我看了看,我从没看过这个字吖,就跟婆婆说不知道。岂知,婆婆就骂,说我读到几十年书了居然连一个字也不知道,还浪费钱去读大学。我听后,非常非常的生气,立即反驳我又不是读大学,就是没看过这个字。这时,爱管闲事的伯伯要他安静是不可能的了。他加入进来这个充满着火药味的对话,说了那些我完全听不进出的话,‘读到这么大还不会,等哥哥醒了才问哥哥,什么什么的’。算!我不想吵!婆婆再拿了一个喷雾罐问我是洗什么的。写着‘toilet’,这个很明显,当然我就知道了。但是我实在气得不得了, 所以就说‘洗厕所的,我很笨的,不要相信我!’接着的事情,就是婆婆的嘴巴一直念,念,念... ....一点放学后,坐巴士到大众银行准备去交学费。过后,因为顾客少,所以我就顺道做一张提款卡,反正下个星期三妈妈也是要带我去做。我错了!我不应该做的。顾客询问中心的那位小姐真的服务超级‘周到及亲切’。是不是我接触外界太少?原来那位小姐是不需要向我说明一切的,就直接给我填资料,什么话都没说。我还以为她是哑巴呢,我想应该是我想太多了,现金的社会已经没有这种服务了,原来是不需要向我交代的吧~ **讽刺着**过后,等着Pin number。有年纪的那位小姐交给我银行簿子和pin number后,交代我去换密码后,我就可以走了。应该是我的错啦~是我太笨~居然不知道原来是要签名的~走路去Prangin Mall的巴士站,心里还在想‘怎么这么衰啊?所有巴士好像走过了,又要等下一班的巴士了,不懂又要等到几时了。等着等着,电话响了。不知明的号码,原来是大众银行拨来的。‘刚才忘了给你签名,对不起,几时有空来签呢?明天可以吗?’妈的!以为我的时间是为你而排的吖?要是我这样有空的话,我需要这样狼狈吗?算了,压住气,走回去签~去到那边,那副完全没一点歉意兼诚意的那位老小姐拿了一份文件给我签后,就叫我回了。让我走这么远的路,就是为了她忘记给我签名的过失,而且才一个!我真的气到......说不上话!共走了三次!!!岂有此理!!!就知道一大清早被婆婆骂注定会衰的!!!笔于2010年2月23日
I never thought something would happen has happened. SUPER surprise!!!
I scored better result than previous semester XD
I thought I would get worse result than last semester.
I already happy with the result of last semester, never expect would score better,
and this semester is harder
got IT, IOM
which I got no much confident.
During the final for Macroecons,
there was no enough time for me to answer the last essay question.
I was so worry my result.
My 1st birthday wish had achieved^^
Thanks a lot a lot!!!
I appreciate it!
I did it!
I able to get GPA 3.9 and CGPA 3.84
I had improved!~last semester just got 3.79 =)
Although not improve a lot, I satisfy! Hahaha! *wink*wink*
Wonder how my parent think...I not yet tell them.
I know, they will not be so happy as me,
they'll just smile, I guess.
For now,
my sister is the only people knew my result, I mean in my family.
She also did not have much expression, didn't even congratulate me >.<
I gonna study harder and smarter,
try my BEST to maintain the result.
Hope one day I'll score as good as my brother.
Pals, thanks for your wishes!
I appreciate it^^
For those who look down on me,
please re-measure your mind!
I remember what I had promised, which is
eat at City Bayview if I scored better than previous semester.
problem has occurred.
Argh, my god~I don't have car~
I cannot go there myself,
my parent won't eat at there, they complain expensive >.<
want to practice this promise is so difficult ==
want to be a trustworthy person is also so difficult ==
Post on 10th Feb